BE Group Inc. assists businesses gain the knowledge and insights that will enable them to identify, compete for and WIN prime and subcontracting opportunities on construction projects offered by government and private sector entities.

We are a multi-faceted organization that works to improve the operations capabilities of small to mid-sized businesses with emphasis on businesses in the building industry.
We prepare businesses to enter the pipeline to secure private and government contracts by incorporating industry best practices into their business processes and management strategies. We customize the tools and training that prepare clients to become competitive in the arena in which they operate.
We believe in order to become and remain successful in business, the leader must have a well-defined vision, but be willing to pivot when necessary.
We have three primary business divisions:
Contractor Advisors/TOOLS - A business management approach that equips the businesses we assist in the building arena with industry best practices solutions to achieve operational excellence, sustainable performance and scalable growth.
Building Entrepreneur - Building Industry Magazine
Building Entrepreneurs - Online Marketing Portal