Diversity and Inclusion
We offer 'driven' individuals the opportunity to participate in the promise of the American dream and improve the status of their businesses, their staff and teams, families and communities. Construction is one of the last bastions of wealth for diverse firms.
-Suzanne F. Stantley

There is absolutely no legitimate scientific basis for racial classification. Race is a social construct. Race is constructed through racialization. Yet, there continue to be negative consequences due to racism in our country today across a number of sectors, with construction being one of these.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce (Executive Order) launched a whole-of-government initiative to cultivate a federal workforce that draws from the full diversity of the Nation and that advances equitable employment opportunities. The Executive Order reaffirms that the United States (U.S.) is at its strongest when our Nation’s workforce reflects the communities it serves, and when our public servants are fully equipped to advance equitable outcomes for all American communities.
The construction industry has a long way to go before it reaches equal representation in the workforce. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 6.0% of construction professionals are African American and 10.9% are women.
All federal and federally assisted construction contracts and subcontracts over $10,000 have minority and female inclusion goals for each trade which varies by city or state. Yet, far to many prime construction firms, municipalities and developers have failed to satisfy these inclusion requirements.
For federal and federally assisted construction contractors, goals for minorities and females are established as a percentage utilization or participation rate. The percentage goal a contractor establishes for minority participation must be at least equal to the percentage established for that geographic area. Prime contractors may establish higher goals if they desire.
When your organization embraces diversity and works to set into place a process through which you recognize that diverse construction firms are in need of assistance to maximize their potential and benefit from the opportunities that the commercial construction industry affords them, you will help pump the pipeline for your firm's diverse business inclusion.